Monday, September 15, 2008

Tomato Sorbet and Summer Pistou

This tomato sorbet was strange and sweet, served with a few peeled cherry tomatoes, beautiful green basil oil and a tomato coulis. Alex spent hours on this - it was one of those impossible recipes from the French Laundry cookbook, not really meant for home cooks but Alex managed it anyway. Bizarrely delicious. The pistou, from a Patricia Wells recipe, was garlicky and delicious - a celebration of summer beans. The cranberry beans were the prettiest, but there were also lovely green beans, wax beans, white beans, plus zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, onions. The garnishes - dollops of basil pistou, generous sprinkles of gruyere and parmesan cheeses, added such different flavor elements - they really complimented the vegetables and elevated their flavors. Another fabulous greenmarket feast!


Iago de Otto said...

The bean dish sounds absolutely scrumptious, but that picture, sorry to say, is more along the lines of grubs on your plate in a sci-fi flick. I would still be so into it though. In fact, I'm hungry now, and we (yours truly, my spice and her sis) had a wonderful seafood meal this evening at a packed restaurant just nearby our flat. I think it was the first time we have eaten there, actually, although it is my sis-in-law's favorite eatery in Shulin (Taiwan), where we live (the southwest sector of the Taipei County Basin in northern Taiwan). Pauline sez, "Hey, that was great, let's go back!" For sure, girl!

Hey, this is a great blog subject, by the way. But there must be a lot of frazzled (more than usual) peeps rolling out onto Wall Street for lunch these days, what with the end of times financially and all that . . . still time for good eats though, the things that matter.

Karin said...
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